Welcome to LWMF Blog where you can follow us on our journey traveling to Sithabile Child & Youth Care Center an orphanage and Sedibeng Sa Bophelo a cooperative project in Soweto, South Africa, primarily serving women and young children victimized by HIV/AIDS.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just A Few More Days Left

It has been a long road to this point doing fund raising events, emailing so many, knocking on doors and finally going to family members for help. But at the end of it all it has been well worth it, because what was accomplished is going to touch so many lives around the world. Much more than anyone can imagine. Thanks to my friends and everyone for your support, especially my family members that have really believed in this cause of helping the less fortunate and made a difference for our organization "You know who you are". This will be my first time blogging, so I hope it is successful. Be on the look out for updates on our travels.


  1. Have a great trip. Sheb and I will try to join the Murphy's on their next adventure. BTW - Tell your wife that I will still win the race.

  2. Kevin - This suppose to be a blog and for a blog to be effective requires updates such as comments and photos. When will you post something? Let me update you. Michael Vick is in for Cobb and just had a long run. The Ochocino and TO show was a bust because NE got the best of them. Chris Johnson and Vince Young look real good but more importantly, the Who Dats started the season off with a victory over the Vikings. We now chant "Two Dat" instead of "Who Dat". Eagles just scored now down by 10 because Vick is doing his thing.

  3. Hi Kevin,

    I have been looking at your blog waiting for pictures and the like. I am not sure of your condition while there but, I hope all is going well. Were you able to reach your goals? And did you make the connections you need for future planning.
    All in all, have a safe journey back to the states. Be safe.

    Your Brother.

  4. Kevin,

    You must have forgotten that you set up a blog. We are waiting to hear about your journey.

  5. Hello all we made it safely to South Africa. It has been a challenge to find a working computer at our locations, but I have finally have one where we are staying and will be uploading pictures very soon. We will be working at the Orphanage tomorrow and should have some great pictures. I will talk to everyone soon.


  6. Guys I am back and it is late, but never late than never. We have arrived and have been greeted with such a great reception. I remembered what I so much miss about this place. When meeting someone here everybody's name have a significant meaning it is like they really put a thought into naming the child. That is really special about this entire experience. On our first night we stopped by the orphanage to drop off all the items we brought with us, but it was dark. As we got back into the care we smelled something. Only to discover Julie stepped in Chicken poop. Oh no, because it smelled up the entire car. You know you are in the country when you have sheep and chickens all over. BTW-the Orphanage is in a place called Benoni, which is about 1 hour outside of Joburg. We will be staying out this way for the night. I am trying to upload pictures but is having technical difficulty, but I will keep trying. Talk to you soon.

  7. I think I got it here is us at the ATL with all the items, you all supported LWMF with. You are not going to believe this but Delta let me go with the box for free because they were very supportive of the cause. This is a good start to our trip already. Nice.
